Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Today was a beautiful day. Absolutely gorgeous. I woke up at 8:30 and the first thing I noticed was the sun shining! Erika and Aaron got home last night from their roadtrip, too. This morning I was doing my African study and found a site called RISE International. They build schools in Angola, mostly. Angola has suffered through a 27 year civil war, through which all the schools have been closed. An entire generation has grown up not knowing how to read and write. RISE builds schools, trains teachers, and supplies textbooks. They are a Christian organization out of the midwest, Iowa I believe. It costs them $12,500 to build a school and provide textbooks.
I also memorized some more countries...Chad, Cameroon, Equitorial Guinea, and Gabon. Woo hoo!
I read am still trying to finish The Greatest Generation, my Tom Brokaw. Interesting book, I'll tell you more about it when I finish.
The other day I did an Algebra test, but I am so disorganized I lost the test answer booklet. Hmm.
Speaking of being disorganized, Erika found my Rosetta Stone cd that I have been missing for months. I'm trying to load it onto this computer since I had had it on Randy's laptop before. Hopefully I'll get that working.
I had piano lessons today and learned how to play "Jericho". It's fun. I also learned about relative scales, and Jericho is in the key of A Minor, which is the relative minor of C major.
Erika and Aaron had a slideshow of all their southwest pictures. The southwest is amazing. I had never heard of Goblin Valley! That was really interesting. And the towers in Capital Reef. God made some beautiful things when he created this earth.
I'm about to run off to youth group, so that's all for now. Goodnight!

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