Tuesday, October 23, 2007


It's amazing what being HOME can do for you.
Today I woke up and met Pam, Ian, Brennen, Lauren, Courtney and Patrick for breakfast at Coffee Traders. Pam had a book and the topic this morning was about friends. The coolest part was just sitting there together and praying. That is so ESSENTIAL; prayer and fellowship.
When I got back I spent some time cleaning and doing dishes, and reveling in the gorgeous blue sky and sunshine! I did Lesson 6 review in my Algebra 2 book. I couldn't figure out how to find the radius of a sphere when they gave me the surface area...which I thought I could do. That really confused me, because I just couldn't get the right answer.
I then took my little puppy for a walk. Since Ivan is almost 11 years old, he isn't quite a puppy anymore, but he's mine all the same. The weather was wonderful. I think sunshine fuels people.
Tackling the project of installing Rosetta Stone language program on my laptop was next. It went quite flawlessly, and pretty soon I was up and running. I'm doing French II right now. I really like that it is self-paced, and it just keeps track of where you are. It also teaches you like you learned your native language as a child. It has lots of pictures, sounds, and matching. It's an excellent program.
It was so nice to just get lots of little things done today. I made this month's Melaleuca order, cleaned my bathroom, washed my sheets, finally paid Sandy for my Reliv, went to the dentist and got three fillings...That one wasn't so nice. Well, not as bad as I thought. I was definitely dreading it. But I got to listen to my cd player through it all, and Rush of Fools kept me calm. :) The worst part is the three hours of having a numb face. It's fun not being able to talk quite right and feel like your lip is three times its normal size.
Youth group was really great. I am very excited to be part of it! Part of this ministry. I'll write about Iron Groups and the Core later.
I'm going to go watch Sum of All Fears, hopefully with French subtitles. -Krista

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