Thursday, April 26, 2007

Stir Fry!

I ended up working 8 hours today! But I had an interesting time, and I know how to make sauce for a stir fry now. It was fun. You want to know how I did it too? So you get a frying pan and turn it on pretty hot. Pour some wine [i used chardonnay, but i guess you can use whatever you want], some soy sauce [i used garlic soy sauce], and some rice vinegar. It'll be smoky, smell nasty, and bubble lots. Turn the burner down to Lo. Mix water and corn starch until it's a milky white. Stir into your pan. It'll thicken really quick. Grate some ginger over, and taste. I am very vague, using the word some. Blame this on my Mom. You have to taste and pour in whatever more it needs. Then add some salt and pepper and you are done. That simple. My Mother has taught me the guess and check theory for cooking. We strongly believe in it.
That's all for now.

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