Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tours, Capoeira, and Les Schwab

Did you know that Capoeira is a Brazilian dance like martial art? Or that it takes approx. 34 minutes to walk from Les Schwab to my house? Or that Christina Aguilera has 14 back up dancers and 5 caterers on the road with her tour right now?
This past week was really fun, tiring, and hilarious. I worked every day, but it was really nice actually. Besides waking up at 5 am!
I was really surprised how much I LEARNED just being there. I learned how to make potato pancakes, for example. And one of the guests is a tour accountant for a bunch of bands. I talked to her for hours! And learned a ton about her job and being on tour (hence Christina Aguilera)
I'm also continuing to read through Acts. It's an amazing book of the bible. I bet they all are once I get around to finishing them! Paul right now is re-capping how Jesus died and rose. Which is really neat to be reading right after Easter! I've also done my Habitudes book for the Core.
I picked up a book at the library called Real U Guides: Bank Accounts and Credit Cards. It's really helpful, and I understand them a lot more. I took a piece of paper and divided up my next paycheck for what it all needs to be spent by, such as Car Insurance, Car Payment, Offering, Dance, Compassion Child, Savings, etc.
I also got a movie from the library about Bascom Lamar Lunsford. He was a folklorist, musician and dancer. He was born in 1882 and spent most of his life perserving Appalachian songs, dances, and culture. He started a Folk Fest in Asheville, NC, videotaped, recorded and learned hundreds of songs and dances. He would go stay at people's houses and sit on the front porch with a fiddle, banjo, guitar or whatever else they had and sing and play songs. It was really interesting. They filmed a bunch of the dances, which I loved! Dad watched it with me, and I told him we should take a guitar and a video camera and spend a couple weeks on the Appalachian trail.
I had piano lessons yesterday and am learning a song called Chiapanecas. Gail and I had a fun time trying to pronounce that.
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to go in search of the Arc'Teryx number I lost to get Erika's jacket replaced. I've been trying to do this for the past 2 weeks!

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