Monday, February 4, 2008

Chord Progressions

I found a book called "Music: In Theory and Practice" that I've been going through. It's written mostly as a college textbook. But it's interesting, and I have actually learned a lot of technical stuff. I have been playing the piano alot [even with my broken arm!] and I've been playing with chords. Cool was of playing chords with bases in different octaves, and figuring out scales. I figure that the circle of fifths is probably something I should've memorized a long time ago. And also things like a Bm chord is a G7 without G. :) Kind of. Maybe. Ish.
I'm also reading about different companies corporations. How different companies run their companies, how they handle their employees, their money, their influence, and what their values as a company are. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my research, but it's interesting anyway. I read about Target and Reliv today.
I've been going through that SAT Question calendar Mom got me last year and today I had Jeremy help me with some math questions. There was one that we still had no idea about, it didn't make sense to us. I really need help on the math part before I take my test!
That's all for now.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wagner and Presidential Primaries

Yesterday McCain and Clinton won the primary in New Hampshire. I talked to Jeremy's grandpa, who took part in the Iowa caucus earlier this week. Obama and Huckabee won in Iowa. Now Jeremy wants me to write on what I think is better, a caucus or a primary.

Yesterday I started reading "Of Mice and Men". And today I worked on my Wagner project...studying the Ring series operas by Richard Wagner. I don't like opera singing, but I love the music. It is so interesting how composers use the different re-occurring motives that are connected with a certain character or element. I played some of the motives out of the book I was playing on the piano.

I also started a music theory book. It's so exciting, I love learning the theory behind music. Music is so big...its an art, a science, and has so many precise pieces that make it mathematical. But just as it is all rules and theories, its feeling and emotion and full of heart and spontaneity.

I went to the library today too and looked at a big book full of all kinds of scholarships you can get. Did you know you can get $500 from some Fat Acceptance association, just for being fat? That's just plain ridiculous!
And don't worry, I'm not going to even bother applying for that one.

Time for sleep.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

casts, slings, and other fun things

So...I broke my wrist. On New Years Eve. Fun! It's super hard to type with one hand...i have to look at the keyboard, and it's a little tougher than I thought. I spent 4.5 hours in the ER on Christmas Day getting it checked out. They put a splint on it, and I have to go get a cast. I have an appointment tomorrow at 8 for the orthopedic guy to look at it. I've decided this will be a great opportunity to learn about bones and sports medicine and all sorts of cool stuff like that...I'll write more later, got to run!