Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wagner and Presidential Primaries

Yesterday McCain and Clinton won the primary in New Hampshire. I talked to Jeremy's grandpa, who took part in the Iowa caucus earlier this week. Obama and Huckabee won in Iowa. Now Jeremy wants me to write on what I think is better, a caucus or a primary.

Yesterday I started reading "Of Mice and Men". And today I worked on my Wagner project...studying the Ring series operas by Richard Wagner. I don't like opera singing, but I love the music. It is so interesting how composers use the different re-occurring motives that are connected with a certain character or element. I played some of the motives out of the book I was playing on the piano.

I also started a music theory book. It's so exciting, I love learning the theory behind music. Music is so big...its an art, a science, and has so many precise pieces that make it mathematical. But just as it is all rules and theories, its feeling and emotion and full of heart and spontaneity.

I went to the library today too and looked at a big book full of all kinds of scholarships you can get. Did you know you can get $500 from some Fat Acceptance association, just for being fat? That's just plain ridiculous!
And don't worry, I'm not going to even bother applying for that one.

Time for sleep.

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