Monday, February 4, 2008

Chord Progressions

I found a book called "Music: In Theory and Practice" that I've been going through. It's written mostly as a college textbook. But it's interesting, and I have actually learned a lot of technical stuff. I have been playing the piano alot [even with my broken arm!] and I've been playing with chords. Cool was of playing chords with bases in different octaves, and figuring out scales. I figure that the circle of fifths is probably something I should've memorized a long time ago. And also things like a Bm chord is a G7 without G. :) Kind of. Maybe. Ish.
I'm also reading about different companies corporations. How different companies run their companies, how they handle their employees, their money, their influence, and what their values as a company are. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my research, but it's interesting anyway. I read about Target and Reliv today.
I've been going through that SAT Question calendar Mom got me last year and today I had Jeremy help me with some math questions. There was one that we still had no idea about, it didn't make sense to us. I really need help on the math part before I take my test!
That's all for now.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wagner and Presidential Primaries

Yesterday McCain and Clinton won the primary in New Hampshire. I talked to Jeremy's grandpa, who took part in the Iowa caucus earlier this week. Obama and Huckabee won in Iowa. Now Jeremy wants me to write on what I think is better, a caucus or a primary.

Yesterday I started reading "Of Mice and Men". And today I worked on my Wagner project...studying the Ring series operas by Richard Wagner. I don't like opera singing, but I love the music. It is so interesting how composers use the different re-occurring motives that are connected with a certain character or element. I played some of the motives out of the book I was playing on the piano.

I also started a music theory book. It's so exciting, I love learning the theory behind music. Music is so big...its an art, a science, and has so many precise pieces that make it mathematical. But just as it is all rules and theories, its feeling and emotion and full of heart and spontaneity.

I went to the library today too and looked at a big book full of all kinds of scholarships you can get. Did you know you can get $500 from some Fat Acceptance association, just for being fat? That's just plain ridiculous!
And don't worry, I'm not going to even bother applying for that one.

Time for sleep.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

casts, slings, and other fun things

So...I broke my wrist. On New Years Eve. Fun! It's super hard to type with one hand...i have to look at the keyboard, and it's a little tougher than I thought. I spent 4.5 hours in the ER on Christmas Day getting it checked out. They put a splint on it, and I have to go get a cast. I have an appointment tomorrow at 8 for the orthopedic guy to look at it. I've decided this will be a great opportunity to learn about bones and sports medicine and all sorts of cool stuff like that...I'll write more later, got to run!

Thursday, December 27, 2007


I just got to thinking about my education, my schooling, my life. And I felt so inadequate. I don't feel like I know enough, am smart enough, am where I should be with my schooling. I started crying I was so mad at myself. I told myself I hadn't done anything I expected myself to. I haven't reached the goals I set for myself. I wrote out lists of ideas of things to learn and do, and I haven't done them. And I regret it so much, because there is SO much I could be doing, could've done. I wasted time. And I feel like crap.
So know I have to go back and think of all the things I have done, all the things I've learned. I have to write them down, evaluate, talk, and think about them. Ask if I have indeed, learned anything worth learning. If I am at a point where I can say I'm educated, if I am able to function in society successfully with the education I have. If not, I need to write out how I can get there. I SO want to learn! I so want to know, to grow, to use the time and opportunities that I have and feel accomplished. To feel like I know something. To say that I was successful in school. I keep pretending. I keep telling people that I'm doing good, school's going well. In all actuality, it might be, but I don't feel like it is. I feel like I've done nothing. I do not want to go back to highschool, I do not wish I was there. I just wish I was accountable, and responsible. I wish I was motivated and did all of the AMAZING things that I could do. I need to get there. I don't know how, but that is where I have to get to. I need to know that I'm not a failure.
The next step is to figure that out, to write down what I have and compile it into some portfolio, some format. I need to finish the projects I started, and write down what I have learned from them. Then I need to finish what I still need to learn. I can't keep pretending and feeling like I am going nowhere!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

St. Nicholas Day

Happy St. Nicholas Day!
Today is one of my favorite holidays. Not super huge like Christmas, but super special. I cherish it. Today I woke up and got to the pre-school by 8:45, like every Tuesday and Thursday now until May! I didn't think that I would like working at a pre-school, but I actually am really enjoying it. I know that these kids probably won't remember me in a couple of years, but it's really fun to watch them learn. It's so cool to see the world though their eyes, at their level. Watch how each of them have different personalities and learning styles. Today I helped Aletheia make her advent wreath...we dipped their hands in green paint and had them put their handprints on a piece of paper in a ended up looking like a wreath of boughs. Then we took red paint and with their index finger had them make berries. They turned out all different, but really neat. We will tape an advent candle on at the end of each week.

When I got home from pre-school, I helped Mom hang up grass mats in Uncle Dave's room that he brought home from India. They smelled like Grandpa's oats for his horses. I love that smell! Then I finished up my book "Hattie Big Sky". It had a nice ending...she didn't prove up on her claim, unfortunately, but she found a family, and Charlie was coming home from the war and wrote her a letter saying he was sweet on her. Awww! :) In the back of the book though are recipes, and I think I might make one as a little book project. One is a eggless, butterless, milkless cake. An endnote said it was sometimes called a Depression Cake.
Then Elly and I made a sign that says Welcome Home Randy, as our Thursday project. It was fun, and our poster is very colorful. Randy comes home in 9 days! Yipee!
I printed out our Order sheet for KCC, and took it over to church to make double-sided copies. I hope it works out.
Tonight the ladies in our church all got together for an ornament party. It was actually really really fun. We went to Pam Schell's house and all brought a snack to share, and then gathered in the living room. We all had numbers, and we each got to open a gift, or steal a gift from someone. Once a gift has been stolen 3 times it stays with that person. I got a little woodland Santa...It's a Santa wearing a long red and white coat, holding a bird in his hand, and carrying a sack with little sticks on his back. He is really cute, and I stole him from Janice. She really wants him though, perhaps I will enjoy him until Christmas and give it to her as a Christmas present. He's adorable though!
I'm going to sleep. Guten Nacht.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Kaarre Culinary Creations

Mom, Erika, Nikki and I put an ad in that newspaper for Kaarre Culinary Creations. We just want to see if anybody needs some baking done this holiday season. We're offering cookie trays, pies, yeast and quick breads, appetizers, and candies...I wrote up the ad, and made a price and order sheet. We got our first order last night. Mom, Dad and I were talking that, even if we don't make much of a profit on this, it can be a service for people like Mrs. Johnson who lives in assisted care and can't bake or get out. But she wants to have treats to share. How cool is that that this can just be a service for people like her!
Today I woke up and read for a couple hours. I'm currently reading a book called "Hattie Big Sky" by Kirby Larson, that I got from the library. It is about an orphaned 16 year old girl who, during World War I, receives a letter that gives her a 320-acre homestead in Montana. Her uncle whom she had never met recently died, and left her his homestead. Only problem was, it wasn't proved up yet. Hattie has 11 months to build 460 rods of fence, and plant 40 acres of harvested crops.
After I read I organized our upstairs hallway closet full of blankets and sheets. Oh my! Then I came to City Brew and finished Lesson 9 in my Algebra 2 book. Lesson 9 is about percent word problems. After I finished up that lesson, I worked on creating the order form for the above mentioned Kaarre Culinary Creations. That took a while, actually, but hopefully it'll be usable. The nice thing is that this is practice, just for us. If it isn't efficient, we can just change it. It's not like I'll get fired from my job for messing up, this is just a cool learning experience I get to try. Trial and error! :)
Tonight we have our first soup supper and advent service at church! Woot!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hunting Tales

Hunting Season. Great fun for all, especially those who get to cut up all the game! Haha. Daddy got 5 deer over on the East Side and we spent the weekend cutting them up. I learned how to use the Food Saver [vacuum sealer] and that was fun!
I went up to Grandpa's and went for a walk with him to check on the cows. You learn so much from just being around him! We were looking at a couple cows that were acting sick earlier that day because they wouldn't eat. We went back into the house and I beat Grandpa twice at double solitaire!
I then drove to Eureka to visit Erika, Jilly, and baby Meredith! I had to re-learn how to hold little babies! She was adorable. I almost fell asleep in the rocking chair too, with her head against my cheek. Aw!
Today I drove back to Whitefish with Dad. I worked on some algebra, and it kicked my butt. I wish I could think mathematically, it just doesn't work for me. I'm all over geometry. Those problem I could do! And the most frustrating part is I thought I knew how to do them! But I worked the problem every different way I knew how, and I still couldn't get the right answer! Oh well. I'm going to try and fix those ones tomorrow.
I also picked up a guitar this weekend and realized that I need to practice playing without looking at my fingers. I can't play without looking and seeing where my chord hand is. And I started playing Randy's djembe drum! It was so fun!
I'll write about pottery next time. I'm going to go watch Ocean's 13!